No More Accusations

When reading the book of Job last night, I came across chapter 16, and wondered how low Job must have felt. After loosing everything and everyone in his life, to be faced with his close friends rebuking him, when all along it was the hand of God that was in control of him. Job suffered the death of his children, his wife, and left to die, but God had a better plan for him. Although insulted by close friends, he kept faith in God, and would not curse Him.

Satan had a conversation with God, insisting that Job would curse Him to His face, if He took everything from him (Job 1). I asked myself the same question last night. If God was to have the same conversation with satan about me, what would God say to him about me, and to what extreme would He allow the devil to test me?

As I pounder along the pages of the book of Job, my strength began to grow, and I started to give God thanks, that today I do not have to suffer like Job, because satan was thrown down from heaven, never to return there again (Revelation 12:9-10). Now how was he thrown down? Well, I have good news for you, It was by the blood of the LAMB (Revelation 12:11), that today we have the victory over him, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

satan cast

To begin to imagine that Jesus Christ not only died for my sins on earth, but while in heaven, He also removed satan from complaining about me to God. I have something to live for! I am free from satan’s accusations, and he is no longer in God’s face, complaining about how bad you or I am any longer. TODAY I CAN REJOICE, THAT I AM SAFE IN THE HAND OF JESUS MY SAVIOUR FOREVER. GOD BE PRAISED!

After reading and feeling vindicated, I will  continue to live a holy life before my Big Brother, and my Father in heaven, who loves and cares for me so deeply. Saints, do spend time really studying the bible which God took His precious time to preserve for us so we too, can understand who He really is, and How much more He has in store for those whom He loves. May God continue to be with us all, as we live to glorify His holy name. God bless you. Shirl Blake
